Adapted from Stephen J.
Chenney's Tutorial
Modified by Yu-Chi Lai in 2005
Modified by Yoh in 2007 (updated
for VS05)
1. Step 1: What Are Command Line Arguments?
In the past DOS, we need to
type in the command for executing the program instead of clicking the icon in
the window system. We also need to parse in the parameters needed for the
command to execute the program in the user's desired way. In window, the GUI
will be used to communicate with the user. In DOS, command line arguments are
used to parse in users' specified parameters. In the following figure, "C559
Tutorial 2.exe" is the
command and So long and
thanks for all the fish are
the command line arguments being parsed in.
2. Step 2: Modify Main
- Now that we have a window class we need to modify our main function to
make use of it. Here's the updated contents of main.cpp.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** args)
// Notice I start from i=1 not 0 because the args[0] is reserved
// for the name of this program.
for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
cerr << i << "th argument is " << args[i] << "\n";
This new
version of main go through the command argument and then print all of them on
the console.
3. Step 3: Modify Project's Command Arguments Setting
- Now we need to inform VS05 what
our command line arguments are. Right click on our project (CS559 Tutorial
2), and choose Properties.
- Choose Debugging from
the left hand pane. Add I
am your teaching assistant to
the Command Arguments.
- Click OK.
4. Step 4: Build Project
- We are now ready to compile and link our program. Visual Studio calls
this process building. Before building our project we need to open another
window so we can see the results of our build attempt.Choose View ->
Other Windows -> Output from
the VS05 menus.
The Ouput window
shows the output from the compile and linking process. Feel free to dock or
hide this window as we will need it rather infrequently.
- Choose Build -> Build
Solution from the VS05 menus.
This should cause some text to be placed in the output window. If you've
copied the code above correctly, you should see the following output to the
right. If the build failed you should see some text explaining why it
failed. If the error is a compiling error, you should be able to double
click on the error and the source window should update to show you the line
on which the error occured. For now we should have no errors so we've
successfully built our project and we're ready to run it.
5. Step 5: Run the Program
To run our program from within
the VS05 enviroment
we simply choose Debug ->
Start Without Debugging. You should see this console window appear.
Congratulations! You've got your first successfullVS05 project.