Experimental results

  • state_office_building_tone_mapping.png, and state_office_building.hdr , g.txt

  • "state_office_building.hdr" is the final hdr image.

  • "state_office_building_tone_mapping.png" is the tone mapping result, my favorite artifact.

  • "g.txt" is the camera response function.

    complete source, the executable

  • hdr.exe and hdr.cpp

    Command line: function_type nr_pixel nr_image filein_image filein_index filein_shutter_speed [fileout_A fileout_b|filein_g fileout_radiance]

    if function_type='a' or 'r', 'a' means for computing Matrix A and Vector b; 'r' means for computing the radiance.

    nr_pixel: # of pixels;

    nr_image: # of image;

    filein_image: file name of the input image;

    filein_index: file name of the text file containing the indices of the selected points;

    filein_shutter_speed: file name of the text file containsing the shutter speed;

    fileout_A: file name of the A matrix;

    fileout_b: file name of the b vector;

    filein_g: file name of the input g function;

    fileout_radiance: filename of the output radiance;

  • hdr.m and ax_b.m

    I am not able to install the Clapack on windows, thus I use matlab to solve the linear system problem, and it is provided in files: hdr.m and ax_b.m .

    Command line example: hdr(40,13,'image','index.txt','shutter_speed.txt','a','b','g.txt','radiance.txt','office.hdr')

    40: # of pixels selected;

    13: # of the images;

    index.txt: file name of the text file containing the indices of the selected points;

    shutter_speed.txt: file name of the text file containsing the shutter speed;

    a: file name of the matrix a;

    b: file name of the matrix b;

    g.txt: file name of the g function;

    radiance.txt: file name of the radiance map;

    office.hdr: file name of hdr image;

  • hdr_gil.exe and hdr_gil.cpp

    Command line: filein_image filein_radiance fileout_hdr

    filein_image: file name of one of the input images;

    filein_radiance: file name of text file containing the radiance values;

    fileout_hdr: file name of the hdr image;

    auxiliary functions and files

  • basic.h, basic.cpp, ppm.h, ppm.cpp, qx_alloc.h, qx_constants.h, qx_image_display.h, imdebug.dll, imdbgdisplay.exe,

    Data capture

  • Captured images:




  • Shutter speed: shutter_speed.txt

  • The indices of the selected points: index.txt