ProcedureIn this project, I first took 13 pictures with different explosion times. Then I developed a program in java to generate the g(Z) function for R, G, and B from the 13 photos, and then saved them as txt files. Then I developed a C++ program to read the g functions, and use the equation: |
to recover the radiance for each pixel and save them
as a hdr file. I wasted much time (at least 5 hours) on compiling the
C++ file in VC8, but it failed all the time. I found even the given
sample could not get passed. The line where got trouble is:
gil::write(result, "c:\\766\\result.hdr"); Finally, I used g++ compiler under mingw to generate the executable file succefully. The central parts to get the hdr file are mainly in the java file: 1. to get sample points (7*7=49) evenly from each image. private int[][] getSamplePoints(){int[][] rtn=new int[49][13]; int xstep=width/8; int ystep=height/8; for(int i=1;i<8;i++) for(int j=1;j<8;j++) for(int k=0;k<13;k++){ rtn[(i-1)*7+j-1][k]=z(i*xstep,j*ystep,k); //get the RGB value for the sample //point[(i-1)*7+j-1] } return rtn; }
2. The most important part of this project is to generate the function g(Z). In this program, to solve the AX=b, I imported a java package called Jama, which can be found by searching google. private double[] g(int[][] samples){double[][] A=new double[samples.length*samples[0].length+255][256+samples.length]; double[] ba=new double[samples.length*samples[0].length+255]; int k=0; for(int i=0;i<samples.length;i++) for(int j=0;j<samples[0].length;j++){ double wij=w(samples[i][j]+1); A[k][samples[i][j]]=wij; A[k][256+i]=-wij; ba[k]=wij*b[j]; k++; } A[k][128]=1; k++; for(int i=0;i<254;i++){ A[k][i]=lamda*w(i+1); A[k][i+1]=-2*A[k][i]; A[k][i+2]=A[k][i]; k++; } Matrix rightSide=new Matrix(ba,ba.length); Matrix leftSide=new Matrix(A); LUDecomposition sv=new LUDecomposition(leftSide); Matrix result=sv.solve(rightSide); double[] rtn=new double[256]; for(int i=0;i<256;i++){ rtn[i]=result.get(i,0); } return rtn; } 3. With g(Z) for R,G, and B, I used following code to calculate the radiance for each pixel: gil::FloatImage3 result(width, height);result.fill(gil::Float3(0, 0, 0)); for(int i=0;i<640;i++){ for(int j=0;j<426;j++){ double tmp1[3]={0,0,0},tmp2[3]={0,0,0}; for(int k=0;k<13;k++){ tmp1[0]+=weight(bi[k](i,j)[0])*(gr[bi[k](i,j)[0]]-b[k]); tmp2[0]+=weight(bi[k](i,j)[0]); tmp1[1]+=weight(bi[k](i,j)[1])*(gg[bi[k](i,j)[1]]-b[k]); tmp2[1]+=weight(bi[k](i,j)[1]); tmp1[2]+=weight(bi[k](i,j)[2])*(gb[bi[k](i,j)[2]]-b[k]); tmp2[2]+=weight(bi[k](i,j)[2]); } result(i,j)[0]=exp(tmp1[0]/tmp2[0]); result(i,j)[1]=exp(tmp1[1]/tmp2[1]); result(i,j)[2]=exp(tmp1[2]/tmp2[2]); } } gil::write(result, "c:\\766\\result.hdr"); return 0; After generating the “result.hdr” file, I imported it to HDRShop and used the plugin to created a toned map, “tone.jpg”. The file check list: 1 to 13.jpg ------------ photos Result.hdr ------------ radiance map Tone.jpg -------------- toned image -------------- java source file to calculate g(Z) and save them to files. r.txt, g.txt, b.txt ------- g(Z) files, the number on line I is g(i) main.cpp ------------- use g(Z) to recover radiance for pixels and save them to .hdr file main.exe ------------- executable file generated by g++ in mingwa ResultsHigh Explosion Photo
Low Explosion Photo Toned HDR |