Project 3: Photometric Stereo

                                                           Shengnan Wang

                    Date: 10/23/2007


The goal of this project is to implement a system to construct a height field from a series of images of a diffuse object under different point light sources. The software is able to calibrate the lighting directions, find the best fit normal and albedo at each pixel, find a surface which best matches the solved normals and finally reconstruct the surface of the object.


1.     Calibrate lighting directions.

One method of determining the direction of point light sources is to photograph a shiny chrome sphere in the same location as all the other objects. Since we know the shape of this object, we can determine the normal at any given point on its surface, and therefore we can also compute the reflection direction for the brightest spot on the surface.

2.     Normals from Images.

The appearance of diffuse objects can be modeled as where I is the pixel intensity, kd is the albedo, and L is the lighting direction (a unit vector), and n is the unit surface normal. (Since our images are already balanced as described above, we can assume the incoming radiance from each light is 1.) Assuming a single color channel, we can rewrite this as so the unknowns are together. With three or more different image samples under different lighting, we can solve for the product by solving a linear least squares problem. The objective function is:

To help deal with shadows and noise in dark pixels, its helpful to weight the solution by the pixel intensity: in other words, multiply by Ii:

The objective Q is then minimized with respect to g. Once we have the vector g = kd * n, the length of the vector is kd and the normalized direction gives n.

I have weighted each term by the image intensity which will reduce the influence of shadowed regions.

3. Solving for color albedo.

Recall the objective function is

To minimize it, differentiate with respect to kd, and set to zero:

Writing Ji = Li . n, we can also write this more concisely as a ratio of dot products:  This can be done for each channel independently to obtain a per-channel albedo.

4.     Least square surface fitting.

If the normals are perpendicular to the surface, then they'll be perpendicular to any vector on the surface. We can construct vectors on the surface using the edges that will be formed by neighbouring pixels in the height map. Consider a pixel (i,j) and its neighbour to the right. They will have an edge with direction

(i+1, j, z(i+1,j)) - (i, j, z(i,j)) = (1, 0, z(i+1,j) - z(i,j))

This vector is perpendicular to the normal n, which means its dot product with n will be zero:

(1, 0, z(i+1,j) - z(i,j)) . n = 0

Similarly, in the vertical direction:

Construct similar constraints for all of the pixels which have neighbours, which gives us roughly twice as many constraints as unknowns (the z values). These can be written as the matrix equation Mz = v. The least squares solution solves the equation  However, the matrix  will still be really big! It will have as many rows and columns as therer are pixels in your image.

To solve this problem, I used the sparse matrices in Matlab because most of the entries of  are zero. Figure out where those non-zero values are, put them in a sparse matrix, and then solve the linear system.

After computing the surface, use the surfl function to plot out the result of this project.


How to Run:


To run the program, the user would type the following in the command line:

1. Open the sn_PhotometricStereo.m file specify the image dataset you would like to use in the first line, it is “dataset = ‘psimage/owl/owl’; by default; e.g. change ‘owl/owl’ to ‘cat/cat’ if you would like to use the cat dataset.

2. Then, save and run it. It would output the RGB encoded image, albedo map and the reconstructed surface map without albedo.

Experiment Data:

I have used four datasets as experimental inputs. They are here.


RGB-encoded normals:

albedo map:

Views of the reconstructed surface without albedos:

Click here to take a look at all the results.

Conclusion and discussion:

What worked and what didn't? Which reconstructions were successful and which were not? What are some problems with this method and how to improve it?


For most of the diffuse region it worked successfully, but for the regions that is not completely diffuse and also those shadow (very dark) regions, it didn’t work.



For those incompletely diffuse regions, reflection components separation can be performed before reconstruction.

For reference:  Separation of Diffuse and Specular Reflection In Color Images Stephen Lin and Heung-Yeung Shum.

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2001 (oral paper)


For the shadow regions: remove the images contain the shadows and use those without shadows.



1.        Woodham, Optical Engineering, 1980, Photometric Stereo.

2.      Hayakawa, Journal of the Optical Society of America, 1994, Photometric stereo under a light source with arbitrary motion.