Synthetic Results: City Scene

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PSNR comparison

PSNR of each frame in the input sequence and in the results of the 3 methods in compaison. Our method performs best in terms of preserving texture details.

Frame 19

Please move your mouse cursor over the small images to toggle between the results.

Constant exposure
Noisy input
PSNR = 23.60
PSNR = 32.19
Liu and Freeman
PSNR = 32.91
Our algorithm
PSNR = 36.15
Ground truth

Constant exposure time

Noisy input (adaptive exposure)


Liu and Freeman

Our algorithm

Ground truth

Constant exposure time

Constant exposure time

All the three denoising algorithms perform fairly well on the city sequence. Our algorithm is better than the other two at preserving some of the finer details, most noticeably the texture in the street and trees and the edges of the windows. Difference images with respect to the ground truth are shown below for the full frame.

Ground truth CBM3D Liu and Freeman Our algorithm

Ground truth image


Liu and Freeman

Our algorithm

Ground truth image

Ground truth image

Frame 46

Constant exposure
Noisy input
PSNR = 24.23
PSNR = 32.38
Liu and Freeman
PSN = 32.44
Our algorithm
PSNR = 34.60
Ground truth

Constant exposure time

Noisy input (adaptive exposure)


Liu and Freeman

Our algorithm

Ground truth

Constant exposure time

Constant exposure time

All three denoising algorithms perform well. When toggling between each result and the ground truth, our result is noticeably closer to the ground truth near the red brick building and trees on the right. Difference images are shown below for the full frame.

Ground truth CBM3D Liu and Freeman Our algorithm

Ground truth image


Liu and Freeman

Our algorithm

Ground truth image

Ground truth image

Alternative flow methods

The above experiments use our flow as input for both our and Liu and Freeman's denoising methods. Now, we further evaluate the two denoising methods by using Liu's flow estimation and the ground truth flow as input.

Flow method from [12]

This is the flow method used by Liu and Freeman [13]. The flow is very inaccurate for frames with large displacement such as frame 19. Results of running their denoising algorithm and our denoising algorithm on the inaccurate flow are shown.

Liu and Freeman
PSNR = 28.10
Our algorithm
PSNR = 32.17
Ground truth

Liu and Freeman

Our algorithm

Ground truth

Our algorithm

Our algorithm

Liu and Freeman's method produces significant artifacts when the flow is bad. Our algorithm includes a flow reliability check and falls back on spatial denoising, making it more robust to flow inaccuracy.

Ground truth flow

Liu and Freeman
PSNR = 33.46
Our algorithm
PSNR = 37.05
Ground truth

Liu and Freeman

Our algorithm

Ground truth

Our algorithm

Our algorithm

Our algorithm is better able to preserve details by using the reliable flows and information from any higher quality frames nearby. Liu and Freeman's method results in more smoothing since it still includes spatial denoising.

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