PLAYER ABILITIES: -basic gun -throw either acts on particular object or acts on all objects within a space capped force amount, enough to rip objects out of assemblies but not enough to be OP -specials (powerup abilities, one-time use per powerup) grav bomb / magnet (gather objects, perhaps summon?) bomb / force blast rail driver (selected object(s) is continuously accelerated, if used right large multipart objects could be accelerated to high speeds) expanded field / upped force ENEMY ABILITIES: -basic shooters -catchers turn to face thrown objects? (would have to coordinate strikes) thrown objects cannot be directly controlled? -rockets charge time/slow proj ROBOT MOVEMENT IDEAS: -stop-n-shoot -orbit -approach from front or back? GAMEPLAY: -physics damage is effective in combat, but shotgun is effective at close range -If objects are sparse onscreen, more objects appear from ahead (increases probabilities) -CANNOT THROW ROBOTS DIRECTLY, just gets ridiculous when you can do that -could also make it a strategy to push robots offscreen (maybe if you do that too much it triggers a large spawn event? or not, too intensive)