CS 540's Homeworks & FAQs

Class Webpage: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~shavlik/cs540.html by Prof. Jude Shavlik

TA: Lijie Heng
Office: CS&S 5388
Office Hour: 1:00pm-2:00pm Tuesday; 12:30pm-1:30pm Thursday
Phone: (608) 262-2542
Email: ljheng@cs.wisc.edu


Note: Homeworks will NOT be accepted after one week late!

How to Hand In

Two ways to turn in the electronic version of your homeworks:
  handin -c cs540-1 -a <assignment_name> -d <directory>
  cp -r <directory> ~cs540-1/handin/{yourLogin}/{assignment_name}/
Note: <assignment_name> is the name of each assignment and <directory> the path to the directory where all your files are located. If you have a problem when handing in, make sure you're using csh.