TA: Lijie Heng
Office: CS&S 5388
Office Hour: 1:00pm-2:00pm Tuesday; 12:30pm-1:30pm Thursday
Phone: (608) 262-2542
Email: ljheng@cs.wisc.edu
handin -c cs540-1 -a <assignment_name> -d <directory>Or
cp -r <directory> ~cs540-1/handin/{yourLogin}/{assignment_name}/Note: <assignment_name> is the name of each assignment and <directory> the path to the directory where all your files are located. If you have a problem when handing in, make sure you're using csh.
What does Majority Class or Majority Value mean ?
When we prune a tree, we need to replace a non-leaf node with a leaf node. To assign a class (e.g "+" or "-") to the new leaf node, we use the the label of majority examples. This is what the majority class is. To find out the majority class, we need to count the number of positive exmaples and negative examples falling below the non-leaf node pruned.
How to handle the case that some attributes of a feature do not exsit in training set ?
When ID3 is used to build the tree , one is supposed to assign these attributes the majority class in the examples that reach this feature node.(sorry for the incorrect answer before)
What is the assisgnment_name for homework 1 ?
The assignment name for HW1 is "hw1" (lower case). In the future, we will use the same format as assignment names, like "hw2", "hw3" and so on.