Miaka from Fushigi Yugi 
  1. Undergraduate Research in Chemistry at Macalester College, 2 years 
  2. This was an honors project under Organic Chemistry Professor Janet Carlson. This project included use of high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) to separate a mixture of Cyanobacterium extract to isolate an active biochemical agent. Poster/Paper: Separation by HPLC of Cyanobacter 

  3. Internship at 3M in St. Paul MN, 1 semester 
  4. This semester project emphasized chromotography binding in solutions. 

  5. Organic Chemistry lab instructor at Duke University, 2 years 
  6. I was responsible for running lab classes with small introductory lectures, grading and tutoring. 

  7. Medical Research Technican at Duke University Medical Center, 1 year 
  8. I ran my own small animal research program investigating genetically engineered mice for development of interspecies organ transplantation. I also assisted in analysis of surgery results in large animal transplantation. 

  9. Fortran Lab instructor at North Carolina State University, 2 years 
  10. I was responsible for running lab classes with small introductory lectures, grading and tutoring as well as web site management. 

  11. C++ and Java instructor at University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2 years 
  12. This position is the primary lecture position with grading, quizzes and class time for ~25 students per class as well as web site management. 

    Sample class web page for CS302 (Java) 

  13. Software Engineer designing custom software at Thermo Noran Instruments, Inc., current

Personal Facts 

