Assignment 5 Code



Due date:  Friday 5/7/04 by 4:00pm


Hand in electronic copies:  All the Java files that you wrote, and questions.txt


Hand in printed copies:  All the Java files that you wrote



Notes and hints:


·       One of the sections on the website is a suggested set of steps for incremental development.  This is such good advice that it’s worth repeating it here, for easy reference:

o       Try getting your maze to draw first. Just get all the walls, pellets, etc. in place first so your background for the game is set.

o       Next you may want to try to get the KeyListener set up. Use print statements at first, just to be sure things are responding correctly to the keys you hit.

o       Next get the TimerListener set up. Start the “phantoms moving” timer, and print something when your code hears a timer tick. (Then take out all these print statements, because they’re annoying.)

o       Next you may want to try to get the JavaMuncher to move. Don't worry about walls and food pellets yet, just basic up, down, left right movement.

o       Now try to get the JavaMuncher to stay in bounds and off walls.

o       Now get the JavaMuncher to eat food pellets

o       Next try to get the phantoms to draw, stationary.

o       Get the phantoms to move with the timer.

o       Then get the phantoms about in the tunnels and then try to enable the eating of phantoms and the losing of lives.

·       The labs will get very crowded near the end of the term.  If you want to have any real hope of getting help from consultants, you’d better get it before the last few days.


·       Partners should turn in one printed copy of the code, but both should submit the same code electronically, so that we have it in our records for both of you.


·       To get your maze to draw: use the JavaMuncherUtils methods to set the board dimensions and add images. As the game progresses, use other methods to change and move images.


·       Be clear on what events cause what to happen: the muncher moves upon key presses, the phantoms move upon one kind of timer event, the phantoms become eatable when the muncher eats a power pellet, and they stop being eatable upon another kind of timer event.  In order for these timer events to occur, you have to call methods to start the timers at the right times (the first kind at the beginning of the game, the second kind when the muncher eats a power pellet).


·       You’re probably storing the board under the pretense that each thing on the board takes up only one (x,y) location—that is, only one pixel. Remember that when you actually draw these things, you’ll have to multiply each location by the image size in both dimensions (all images have the same size) to make room for a whole image.