Lab Visit Assignment
Due date: Monday, 2/2 by 4pm
Hand in electronically: (Follow the electronic handin instructions included in the CodeWarrior tutorial.)
Hand in printed copies*: (Put them in my mailbox on the fifth floor of the CS building.)
Reply to my email when it comes: this proves that you’re registered and that you’ve forwarded your CS email correctly.
* I may give an extra point for saving paper in the future: printing double-sided with two pages per side. But for this assignment, none of your files should be longer than a page anyway.
Other notes:
1) Guidelines for project and file names
- Every class you write should be in its own file.
- If a class name is MyClass, its filename should be
- If the main class’s name is MainClass, then the project’s name should be MainClass.mcp.
2) Guidelines for class commenting and format
- Each little program you write for this assignment will consist of one file, which will contain the main class.
- A main class should be formatted as is. In fact, an easy way to start each main class is to open that file, copy and paste it into your new file**, edit the comments, and delete the body of the main method so that you can write your own.
** Copy by highlighting text and holding down “Ctrl” while
you hit “C”. Paste by putting the
cursor where you want the text to go and holding down “Ctrl” while you hit
“V”. Definitely learn to do this—it
speeds you up quite a bit.