1) In the following program, there are two kinds of exceptions that might occur. Handle both of them to make it so that if either kind of exception occurs, the program prints "I'm melting, I'm melting!" and quits. On the following page, do the same thing, but handle both exceptions in different ways than you did the first time. import java.io.*; public class Inane { public static void main (String[] args) { System.out.print("How old are you? "); int age; age = getInt(); System.out.println("You were born " + age + " years ago."); } private static int getInt() { BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(System.in)); return Integer.parseInt(buf.readLine()); } } 2) You are an evil spam sender who wants to foil the attempts of spam filters to block unwanted mass email. The filters are recognizing words in the subject lines of your email, so you need to change the words slightly so that they won't be recognized and your mail will get through. You can do this by alternating cases, so every other character becomes upper-case if it is a letter. For example: "disgusting product" -> "dIsGuStInG PrOdUcT" "SILLY Service 123" -> "sIlLy sErViCe 123" Fill in the following method, which takes a subject line as a String parameter and returns a String containing the modified subject. Don't make any assumptions about how the incoming line is capitalized, but make sure the outgoing one alternates cases. Make sure not to go off the end of the string or modify characters that aren't letters. You can use the list of method descriptions for the String and StringBuffer classes and the table of ASCII values at the end of this exam. You should test your method by hand with the examples above when you're done. public String fixSubject(String s) { } 3) In the User class below, fill in the changePassword() method to allow a user to change his or her password securely. Follow these steps: - Ask for a password and compare it against the current data member. If it doesn't match, throw an exception with an appropriate message. - Ask the person to type their new password twice. If they don't enter the same thing both times, print an error and repeat this step until they do. - Print a success message and change the password. public class User { private String name; private String password; public User(String n, String p) { name = n; password = p; } // Assume there is a method getString() defined here that takes care of // the input for you. It takes no parameters and returns a String from // standard input. public void changePassword() throws Exception { } } 4) Print a pattern of stars that starts with n in the top row and has one fewer star in each row until the last row has only one, with all the rows aligned to the left. For example, if n=5, your code should print: ***** **** *** ** *