******************************************************************************* 1) Chapter 13 quiz 2) Exam review: questions? A. Topics not in the book - STO principle: one class, one purpose - default values for primitive types: 0 - collections: arrays and other groupings of data - StringTokenizers: what are they for? how are they like iterators? - dynamic binding: Java decides at runtime what type something is (and therefore what method/data member to use) - overloading: method with same name, different parameters - overriding: method with same everything except >= visibility - member inheritance: only public and protected members - file I/O: what readLine(), print(), flush(), close() are for - inheritance vs. interface? (code, multiple, related) - interface vs. abstract? (some code) B. Visibility Superclass protected private Subclass1 Subclass2 super's protected super's protected super's private super's private public protected private Otherclass public private C. Review exercises 3) Evaluations *******************************************************************************