1) A class is instantiable if you can create objects of that class. (T) 2) Data members must be declared inside the constructor. (F) 3) A visibility modifier describes who is allowed to see and directly change the value of a data member. (T) 4) Every parameter has both a type and a name. (T) 5) Every argument should be passed with both a type and a name. (F) 6) If a method has no return value, you can leave the return type blank. (F) 7) Instance methods can only be called on objects, while class methods can be called on classes. (T) 8) The purpose of a constructor is to initialize all the instance data. (T) 9) It is possible to have two methods with the same name in the same class. (T) 10) It is possible to have two data members with the same name in the same class. (F) 11) The reserved word "this" refers to the class that it appears in. (F) 12) An instance data member called "x" can be referred to as "this.x". (T) 13) Class constants are both static and final. (T) 14) If a data member is private, there is no way it can ever be changed from outside the class. (F) 15) A parameter is a local variable. (T) 16) If you assign a value to a parameter, you may change the value of the original argument. (F) 17) Local variables are garbage-collected after their method ends. (F) 18) Method composition is when you declare one method inside another. (F) 19) When you pass an object as an argument, the only thing copied into the parameter is the reference to that object. (T) 20) If you do not write any constructors, you get an empty default one. (T) 21) Dot notation is optional when you call an instance method from another instance method in the same class. (T) 22) Like the Math class, a main class cannot be instantiable. (F)