CS 302 Lectures 15 & 18
Announcements | Course Information | Assignments | Examples | Review

Instructor: Lisa Torrey
Office: 1306 Computer Sciences
Phone: 262-6601
Email: ltorrey (at) cs.wisc.edu

Class times: (15) TR 11-12:15, (18) TR 1-2:15
Classroom: (15) 379 Noland, (18) 130 Psych
Office hours: 9:30-10:30 Mon, 2:30-3:30 Fri
Lab hours: 3:30-5:30 Wed


  • The final exam is on Wednesday, May 12 at 5:05-7:05pm in 1221 Computer Science. Bring your student ID and some pencils. A review sheet is here.


  • This is the homepage for sections 15 and 18 of CS302 in spring 2004. The overall CS302 website contains resources for all CS302 students.

  • The following information sheet talks about course textbooks, types of coursework, exams, grading, policies, and computer labs.

  • There are three copies of the course textbook on reserve at Wendt Library.

  • Here are the instructions that tell you how to register for CodeLab.

  • If you decide that you want to work with one other student on a programming assignment, review the Collaboration policy page and print out a permission form to get signed by your instructor. You must do this before you start working together.

  • Note on course drop deadlines: 1/28 is the last day to drop a class without getting a DR on your transcript, 3/26 is the last day to drop at all if you're an undergraduate, and 4/16 is the last day to drop if you're a grad student.


This area will show all your coursework on a week-by-week basis. (Weeks will be added on as the semester goes by.) You are responsible for checking here to find out about readings, CodeLabs, assignments, and exams. Please remember that no late work will be accepted!

Week 10: 3/29 - 4/2
 Readings  Webpage on Java Exceptions
 Webpage on Java Input and Output (the file I/O parts)
 Assignments  1. CodeLab: some exercises due Wednesday 3/31 at 11:58pm
Week 11: 4/5 - 4/9
 Readings  Chapter 10, sections 1-2
 Assignments  1. Assignment 4: due Monday 4/12 at 4:00pm
Week 12: 4/12 - 4/16
 Readings  Chapter 10, sections 3 and 5
 Chapter 13, sections 1-3
 Assignments  1. CodeLab: some exercises due Wednesday 4/14 at 11:58pm
 2. Assignment 4: due Monday 4/12 at 4:00pm
Week 13: 4/19 - 4/23
 Readings  Chapter 13, sections 4-6
 Assignments  1. Assignment 5 design: due Tuesday 4/20 by 4:00pm
Week 14: 4/26 - 4/30
 Readings  none
 Assignments  1. Assignment 5: due Friday 5/7 by 4:00pm
Week 15: 5/3 - 5/7
 Readings  none
 Assignments  1. Assignment 5: due Friday 5/7 by 4:00pm
Week 16: 5/10 - 5/12
 Final Exam  Wednesday 5/12, 5:05-7:05pm



Last Updated: 5/9/04