1999 International Symposium on Database Applications in Non-Traditional Environments (Dante '99): Proceedings, November 28-30, 1999, Kyoto, Japan

1999 International Symposium on Database Applications in Non-Traditional Environments (Dante '99): Proceedings, November 28-30, 1999, Kyoto, Japan

by IEEE Computer Society

Editorial Reviews

This collection of 60 papers presented at the November 1999 symposium provides research results on non-traditional databases such as Internet-related technologies, handling of various kinds of data, supporting technologies for virtual organization, data models, system technologies, and applications. Topics include temporal issues in data warehouse systems, a semantic caching method based on linear constraints, multimedia document support inside the AHYDS platform, interacting with topological invariants of spatial databases, spatio- temporal levels of detail (LoD) for browsing video databases, and similarity retrieval of human motion as multi-stream time series data. No subject index. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)

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IEEE Computer Society Press
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