6th International Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems (Words 2001)

6th International Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems (Words 2001)

by IEEE Computer Society Staff

The January 2001 workshop combines object-oriented computer system engineering technology (CSET), real-time CSET, and dependable CSET for developing real-time distributed and safety-critical applications. These 32 papers from the workshop address UML-RT and fault-tolerant CORBA, distributed systems, performance analysis, component-based systems, dependability and… See more details below


The January 2001 workshop combines object-oriented computer system engineering technology (CSET), real-time CSET, and dependable CSET for developing real-time distributed and safety-critical applications. These 32 papers from the workshop address UML-RT and fault-tolerant CORBA, distributed systems, performance analysis, component-based systems, dependability and safety issues, visualization, and communication. Topics include a middleware implementation of the SNS scheme for network surveillance, composing dependable real-time software of function blocks, adaptive protocols for survivability of transactions operating on replicated objects, and client-side enhancements using portable interceptors. No subject index.

Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)

Product Details

IEEE Computer Society Press
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
8.50(w) x 11.00(h) x (d)

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