A Guide to Sybase and SQL Server

A Guide to Sybase and SQL Server

by David McGoveran

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management systems on the market today. It effectively addresses the demanding requirements of distributed, on-line applications. Written by two leading database authorities, this book provides a convenient, comprehensive overview of the SYBASE relational database product line. Based on Chris Date's widely read Guide to DB2 and Guide to SQL/DS, this current … See more details below


management systems on the market today. It effectively addresses the demanding requirements of distributed, on-line applications. Written by two leading database authorities, this book provides a convenient, comprehensive overview of the SYBASE relational database product line. Based on Chris Date's widely read Guide to DB2 and Guide to SQL/DS, this current text is the only volume that covers all of the key components of SYBASE and SQL Server. It is completely up to date with information on the current release as well as the forthcoming Release 5.0 of SYBASE.

Emphasis throughout is on the user, with treatment of user-oriented material (such as the SQL language) being exceptionally thorough. This in-depth tutorial and reference does not assume any previous knowledge of SYBASE, though readers are assumed to have an appreciation of the overall structure, concepts, and objectives of database management systems in general.


  • Complete coverage of SQL Server, which handles all data management functions, and SQL Toolset, a complete set of tools for developing and using on-line applications.
  • Detailed coverage of transaction processing.
  • Compatible with versions of SYBASE running on any supported platform.
  • Covers all of the important SYBASE advantages including: scalable high performance, server-enforced integrity and security, high application availability, open distributed DBMS, and window-based tools.

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Product Details

Addison Wesley Professional
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
6.66(w) x 9.54(h) x 1.11(d)

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