Access 11: Power User / Edition 1

Access 11: Power User / Edition 1

by Course Technology

This ILT Series manual on Access 2003 VBA Programming is designed for experienced Access users who want to learn activex data objects, control structures, and the basics of VBA programming. The manual is designed for quick scanning in the classroom and filled with interactive exercises that help ensure student success.See more details below


This ILT Series manual on Access 2003 VBA Programming is designed for experienced Access users who want to learn activex data objects, control structures, and the basics of VBA programming. The manual is designed for quick scanning in the classroom and filled with interactive exercises that help ensure student success.

Product Details

Cengage Learning
Publication date:
Edition description:
Older Edition
Product dimensions:
85.00(w) x 10.75(h) x 5.00(d)

Table of Contents

Unit 1: Visual Basic Editor Topic A: Objects Topic B: Object Browser Topic C: Collections Unit 2: Programming basics Topic A: Data Topic B: Scope Unit 3: Control structures Topic A: Decision structures Topic B: Loop structures Unit 4: ActiveX Data Objects Topic A: Getting started with ActiveX Data Objects Topic B: Working with ActiveX Data Objects Unit 5: VBA debugging tools Topic A: Errors in code Topic B: Debugging techniques Topic C: Handling run-time errors Appendix A: Office integration Topic A: Automating Office 2003 Topic B: Working with Word from Access Topic C: Working with Excel from Access

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