Access 2.0 (Teach Yourself)

Access 2.0 (Teach Yourself)

by Charles Siegel

Access neophytes can follow this book's self-guided format to reach the edge of advanced program development. Learn to use Action queries and formula expressions for updates and data calculations. teach yourself...Access 2.0 will also help you design custom control panels with push buttons for common database tasks.

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Access neophytes can follow this book's self-guided format to reach the edge of advanced program development. Learn to use Action queries and formula expressions for updates and data calculations. teach yourself...Access 2.0 will also help you design custom control panels with push buttons for common database tasks.

Other highlights from teach yourself...Access 96 include tips for Form and Report "Wizards" for designing forms, reports, and labels.

Product Details

Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
Publication date:
Idg Teach Yourself Series
Edition description:
1st ed
Product dimensions:
7.16(w) x 9.23(h) x 1.17(d)

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