Access 2000 VBA Handbook

Access 2000 VBA Handbook

by Susann Novalis

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Want to get the most out of Access? Then you need to know VBA.

Access 2000 is here, and never has the power of Access depended so much on VBA programming. This makes the Access 2000 VBA Handbook essential reading if you want to use Microsoft's popular database product to its full advantage. If you're an Access user, you'll benefit from

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Want to get the most out of Access? Then you need to know VBA.

Access 2000 is here, and never has the power of Access depended so much on VBA programming. This makes the Access 2000 VBA Handbook essential reading if you want to use Microsoft's popular database product to its full advantage. If you're an Access user, you'll benefit from step-by-step coverage of VBA basics that will simplify your work. If you're a developer, you'll master the high-end techniques introduced in the latest release-so you can stay on top of your job.

You'll learn how to:

  • Create databases and projects
  • View and print reports
  • Run queries to find specific records
  • Automate complex and time-consuming procedures
  • Synchronize forms and tables
  • Understand the ADO and DAO models
  • Customize the user interface
  • Access data using OLE DB and ODBC
  • Create VBA procedures for navigating a database or project
  • Use object properties and methods to write VBA procedures
  • Create relationships between forms
  • Execute commands using SQL statements in VBA code
  • Use ActiveX controls in your VBA procedures

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Product Details

Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
7.50(w) x 9.00(h) x 1.90(d)

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