Access 2007 VBA Bible

Access 2007 VBA Bible

by Helen Feddema

Tap the full potential of Access 2007

Transfer Access data seamlessly between Microsoft Office applications—and that's just for starters! In this all-new, comprehensive guide by well-known Access expert Helen Feddema, you'll learn to write Visual Basic® code that automates Access database tasks, creates standalone scripts, extracts and merges data, and

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Tap the full potential of Access 2007

Transfer Access data seamlessly between Microsoft Office applications—and that's just for starters! In this all-new, comprehensive guide by well-known Access expert Helen Feddema, you'll learn to write Visual Basic® code that automates Access database tasks, creates standalone scripts, extracts and merges data, and allows you to put together powerful solutions that increase your efficiency across the Office family. Whether you're a beginner or a power user, this is the book you need to succeed with Access 2007.

  • Manipulate and share Access data across Word, Excel®, and Outlook®
  • Create Word documents from Access
  • Write VBA code to automate many database tasks
  • Create an Access form as a control panel for data exchange
  • Add functionality with COM and Access add-ins
  • Work with SQL Server data
  • Customize the Access 2007 Ribbon with XML

Companion Web site

Visit the companion Web site for all the VBA code, spreadsheets, and databases you'll need to do the projects in the chapters.

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Product Details

Publication date:
Bible Series, #467
Sales rank:
Product dimensions:
7.20(w) x 9.10(h) x 1.50(d)

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