Access 97-2000: Development Outside VBA with CDR

Access 97-2000: Development Outside VBA with CDR

by Devendra Saksena, Saksena

Access 97/2000 Database Development Outside VBA emphasizes how to develop simple yet powerful databases without requiring the writing of Visual Basic for Applications code, but rather utilizing VBA code that is freely available. The authors present a step-by-step process for creating databases and database objects using the built-in features of Access, including its… See more details below


Access 97/2000 Database Development Outside VBA emphasizes how to develop simple yet powerful databases without requiring the writing of Visual Basic for Applications code, but rather utilizing VBA code that is freely available. The authors present a step-by-step process for creating databases and database objects using the built-in features of Access, including its many wizards. Beginning with the creation of a database and tables, the book proceeds through developing a variety of queries; designing forms and reports for specific purposes; and automating databases. Strategies for avoiding errors, tips for debugging, and information on error handling are discussed, along with security issues such as using passwords and assigning permissions. Additionally, the authors introduce Data Access Pages, a new feature in Access 2000 with the combined functionality of both forms and reports that can be used on the Internet. The appendixes include an errors table and documentation for the database included on the companion CD.

Author Biography: Devendra Saksena is an Access developer with more than 10 years of experience. He works with the government of India. Neal Berkowitz has worked with Microsoft Access since version 1.1, and is an Access consultant in Dallas, Texas. He is a past president of the Dallas Access developers group.

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Product Details

Wordware Publishing, Inc.
Publication date:
Wordware Database Library
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.54(w) x 9.14(h) x 1.41(d)

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