Access 97 for Busy People

Access 97 for Busy People

by Alan R. Neibauer

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Having a hard time keeping essential information under control? Tired of retyping the same data into charts and tables? Now with Microsoft's new Access 97 and Busy People Books' timesaving learning approach, you dive into database essentials from forms to reports, even Web publishing, faster than you thought possible. From understanding database jargon to… See more details below


Having a hard time keeping essential information under control? Tired of retyping the same data into charts and tables? Now with Microsoft's new Access 97 and Busy People Books' timesaving learning approach, you dive into database essentials from forms to reports, even Web publishing, faster than you thought possible. From understanding database jargon to investigating mysteries of Access 97's graphs, macros, forms, and tables, Busy People Books aim to get you up and running quickly while offering you insights into how a program's powerful features can make you more productive.

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7.41(w) x 9.23(h) x 0.99(d)

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