Access 97 Macro and VBA Handbook (Developer's Handbook Series)

Access 97 Macro and VBA Handbook (Developer's Handbook Series)

2.0 1
by Susann Novalis

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Access 97 Macro & VBA Handbook is a comprehensive guide to using macro and VBA programming to create custom database applications with Microsoft's Access 97. Building on your basic knowledge of Access, this book takes you to the next level. Master the skills you'll need to both automate complex processes and design and deliver applications that meet userSee more details below


Access 97 Macro & VBA Handbook is a comprehensive guide to using macro and VBA programming to create custom database applications with Microsoft's Access 97. Building on your basic knowledge of Access, this book takes you to the next level. Master the skills you'll need to both automate complex processes and design and deliver applications that meet user's exacting requirements.

Microsoft Office & VBA Developer Magazine: March 1998 issue
"If you've been considering taking the leap from Access user to Access programmer, you can use the wide, sturdy bridge built by Susann Novalis... The book provides rich instruction... Novalis displays a real talent for making complex concepts appear simple."

Product Details

Publication date:
Developer's Handbook Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.54(w) x 8.98(h) x 2.19(d)

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