Access 97 Power Programming

Access 97 Power Programming

by F. Scott Barker

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Written by one of the most well-known Access developers and trainers, this is the ultimate authority for the Access programmer, providing great insight into the inner workings of Access. Use this guide to become more proficient in many important areas, including 32-bit OLE controls, OLE/DDE automation, and more. No Access power user or programmer should be without… See more details below


Written by one of the most well-known Access developers and trainers, this is the ultimate authority for the Access programmer, providing great insight into the inner workings of Access. Use this guide to become more proficient in many important areas, including 32-bit OLE controls, OLE/DDE automation, and more. No Access power user or programmer should be without Access 97 Power Programming.

Product Details

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7.47(w) x 9.09(h) x 2.08(d)

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