Access 97 Secrets

Access 97 Secrets

by Cary N. Prague, William C. Amo, James D. Foxall

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Access 97 is finally out -- and so is Access 97 SECRETS, chock full of tips, tricks, and strategies that didn't make it into the official manuals and other guides. Here, Access experts Cary N. Prague, William C. Amo, and James Foxall reveal all they uncovered in their rare, prerelease examination of the latest version of Microsoft's popular and powerfulSee more details below


Access 97 is finally out -- and so is Access 97 SECRETS, chock full of tips, tricks, and strategies that didn't make it into the official manuals and other guides. Here, Access experts Cary N. Prague, William C. Amo, and James Foxall reveal all they uncovered in their rare, prerelease examination of the latest version of Microsoft's popular and powerful database application. Plus, on the book's accompanying bonus CD-ROM, you get hand-picked demo software and ready-to-use Access resources, including a contact manager, libraries, add-on wizards, and business accounting utilities.

Product Details

Publication date:
Secrets Series, #48
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.35(w) x 9.22(h) x 2.11(d)

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