Access and SQL Server Developer's Handbook, with CD-ROM

Access and SQL Server Developer's Handbook, with CD-ROM

by John L. Viescas, Mike Gunderloy, Mary Chipman

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Access and SQL Server Developer's Handbook offers a practical new approach to enterprise database application development. At last, one volume shows how to build bulletproof SQL Server databases with intuitive Access user interfaces. Get a handle on client/server concepts. Take a detailed look at client/server architecture and essential technologies. Explore… See more details below


Access and SQL Server Developer's Handbook offers a practical new approach to enterprise database application development. At last, one volume shows how to build bulletproof SQL Server databases with intuitive Access user interfaces. Get a handle on client/server concepts. Take a detailed look at client/server architecture and essential technologies. Explore client/server application design techniques. Understand all aspects of Access with SQL Server, its advantages and limitations. Build high-performance applications. Task-oriented discussions give you the information you need to build efficient queries, master the upsizing tools, use replication features, secure your data, enhance productivity with the ODBC API, solve common upsizing problems, manage SQL Server fron Access, and handle your applications after deployment. Get more done faster. Discover efficient, proven methods for distributing tasks between the two products. With Access and SQL Server Developer's Handbook, you'll spend more time building high-speed, user-friendly applications - and less time figuring out how to make Access and SQL Server work together.

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Product Details

Sybex, Incorporated
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7.57(w) x 9.11(h) x 1.50(d)

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