Access X for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide

Access X for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide

by Steve Schwartz, Schwartz

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You don't need a computer programming degree to master Microsoft Access, the world's leading relational database solution for Windows. All you need to get quickly up-to-speed on the latest version of this powerful program is Access 2003 for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide. The book's proven, task-based format guides you directly to the information you need and

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You don't need a computer programming degree to master Microsoft Access, the world's leading relational database solution for Windows. All you need to get quickly up-to-speed on the latest version of this powerful program is Access 2003 for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide. The book's proven, task-based format guides you directly to the information you need and explains the program with easy-to-understand, step-by-step instructions and hundreds of screenshots. Before you know it you'll be creating database tools from scratch that store your data, make it easy to read and modify your database contents, analyze the data, and publish it all on the Web. After using the book to master the basics, you'll want to keep it handy as a must-have reference.

Product Details

Peachpit Press
Publication date:
Visual QuickStart Guide Series
Product dimensions:
7.04(w) x 9.30(h) x 0.52(d)

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