Acess for Windows 95 Secrets

Acess for Windows 95 Secrets

by Cary N. Prague

Using Microsoft Access to set up a simple database is straightforward enough. But if you know a few secrets, you can set up a database that's easy to use, attractive, and most importantly a productivity-boosting resource that everyone in your organization can depend on. Access for Windows 95 SECRETS reveals hundreds of the undocumented, hard-to-find tips,See more details below


Using Microsoft Access to set up a simple database is straightforward enough. But if you know a few secrets, you can set up a database that's easy to use, attractive, and most importantly a productivity-boosting resource that everyone in your organization can depend on. Access for Windows 95 SECRETS reveals hundreds of the undocumented, hard-to-find tips, techniques, and shortcuts the pros use to develop the best databases, forms, and reports. Plus, with the book's bonus CD-ROM, you get the hottest tools for bridging the gap between your database and the Internet. Database experts Cary N. Prague, William C. Amo, and James D. Foxall offer Access access you just won't find anywhere else.

Product Details

Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
Publication date:
Secrets Series
Product dimensions:
7.41(w) x 9.25(h) x 2.17(d)

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