Advanced ANSI/SQL Data Modeling and Structures

Advanced ANSI/SQL Data Modeling and Structures

by Michael M. David

This new book is an essential tool for utilizing the ANSI SQL outer join operation, and an indispensable guide to using this operation to perform simple or complex data modeling. It provides a comprehensive look at the outer join operation, its powerful syntax, and new features and capabilities that can be developed based on the operation's data modeling capacity.See more details below


This new book is an essential tool for utilizing the ANSI SQL outer join operation, and an indispensable guide to using this operation to perform simple or complex data modeling. It provides a comprehensive look at the outer join operation, its powerful syntax, and new features and capabilities that can be developed based on the operation's data modeling capacity.

Editorial Reviews

Documents the ANSI SQL join's data modeling language and its inherent data modeling operation, and demonstrates its advanced capabilities for database professionals. The author specifically explains how to perform multitable outer joins, combine relational structures with hierarchical structures, and establish a default database standard or framework for data modeling. He also explores the semantics of data structures, and SQL capabilities for improving performance, saving coding time, simplifying design, and reducing debugging time. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Artech House, Incorporated
Publication date:
Computer Security Series
Product dimensions:
6.10(w) x 9.30(h) x 0.90(d)

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