Advanced Communications and Multimedia Security: IFIP TC6 / TC11 Sixth Joint Working Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security September 26-27, 2002, PortoroZ, Slovenia / Edition 1
  • Advanced Communications and Multimedia Security: IFIP TC6 / TC11 Sixth Joint Working Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security September 26-27, 2002, PortoroZ, Slovenia / Edition 1
  • Advanced Communications and Multimedia Security: IFIP TC6 / TC11 Sixth Joint Working Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security September 26-27, 2002, PortoroZ, Slovenia / Edition 1
  • Advanced Communications and Multimedia Security: IFIP TC6 / TC11 Sixth Joint Working Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security September 26-27, 2002, PortoroZ, Slovenia / Edition 1
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Advanced Communications and Multimedia Security: IFIP TC6 / TC11 Sixth Joint Working Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security September 26-27, 2002, PortoroZ, Slovenia / Edition 1

by Borka Jerman-Blazic

Security, trust and confidence can certainly be considered as the most important parts of the Information Society. Being protected when working, learning, shopping or doing any kind of e-commerce is of great value to citizens, students, business people, employees and employers. Commercial companies and their clients want to do business over the Internet in a secure

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Security, trust and confidence can certainly be considered as the most important parts of the Information Society. Being protected when working, learning, shopping or doing any kind of e-commerce is of great value to citizens, students, business people, employees and employers. Commercial companies and their clients want to do business over the Internet in a secure way; business managers when having meetings by videoconferencing tools require the exchanged information to be protected; the publishing industry is concerned with the protection of copyright; hospital patients have a right to privacy; etc. There is no area in the Information Society that can proliferate without extensive use of services that provide satisfactory protection and privacy of data or personality.
Advanced Communications and Multimedia Security presents a state-of-the-art review of current perspectives as well as the latest developments in the area of communications and multimedia security. It examines requirements, issues and solutions pertinent to securing information networks, and identifies future security-related research challenges. A wide spectrum of topics is discussed, including:
-Applied cryptography;
-Communication systems security;
-Applications security; Mobile security;
-Distributed systems security;
-Digital watermarking and digital signatures.

This volume comprises the proceedings of the sixth Joint Working Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS'02), which was sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and held in September 2002 in Portoroz, Slovenia. It constitutes essential reading for information security specialists, researchers and professionals working in the area of computer science and communication systems.

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Product Details

Springer US
Publication date:
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology Series, #100
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
6.12(w) x 9.46(h) x 0.95(d)

Table of Contents

Preface. Applied Cryptography. On The Security Of A Structural Proven Signer Ordering Multisignature Scheme; C.J. Mitchell, N. Hur. Renewing Cryptographic Timestamps; S.S. Al-Riyami, C.J. Mitchell. Implementing Elliptic Curve Cryptography; W. Bauer. A New Asymmetric Fingerprinting Framework Based On Secret Sharing; Yan Wang, Shuwang Lü, Zhenhua Liu. Authentication Of Transit Flows And K-Siblings One-Time Signature; M. Al-Ibrahim, J. Pieprzyk. Communications Security. Improving The Functionality Of Syn Cookies; A. Zúquete. A Mac-Layer Security Architecture For Cable Networks; T. Masaharu, I. Tatsuei, I. Susumu. Towards Authentication Using Mobile Devices; E. Weippl, W. Essmayr, F. Gruber, W. Skner, T. Trenker. Core: A Collaborative Reputation Mechanism To Enforce Node Cooperation In Mobile AD HOC Networks; P. Michiardi, R. Molva. Enabling Adaptive And Secure Extranets; Y. Roudier, O. Fouache, P. Vannel, R. Molva. Multiple Layer Encryption For Multicast Groups; A. Pannetrat, R. Molva. Distributed Systems Security. Access Control, Reverse Access Control And Replication Control In A World Wide Distributed System; B.C. Popescu, C. Gamage, A.S. Tanenbaum. The Coras Approach For Model-Based Risk Management Applied To E-Commerce Domain; D. Raptis, T. Dimitrakos, B.A. Gran, K. Stølen. Towards Security Architecture For Future Active IP Networks; D. Gabrijelcic, A. Savanovic, B. Jerman-Blazic. Multimedia Security. Combined Fingerprinting Attacks Against Digital Audio Watermarking: Methods, Results And Solutions; M. Steinebach, J. Dittmann, E. Saar. Selective Encryption Of Visual Data; C.J. Skrepth, A. Uhl. Biometric Authentication - Security And Usability; V. Matyáš, Z. Říha. Applications Security. Automatic Authentication Based On The Austrian Citizen Card; A. Hollosi, U. Payer, R. Posch.An Open Interface Enabling Secure E-Government; A. Hollosi, H. Leitold, R. Posch. Cadenus Security Considerations; G. Lavrenčič, B. Jerman-Blažič, A.Jerman-Blažič. Digital Signatures. Validation Of Long-Term Signatures; K. Scheibelhofer. Digital Signatures And ElectronicDocuments: A Cautionary Tale; K. Kain, S.W. Smith, R. Asokan. Index.

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