Advanced Topics In Database Research, Volume 4

Advanced Topics In Database Research, Volume 4

by Keng Siau

Advanced Topics in Database Research is a series of books in the fields of database, software engineering, and systems analysis and design. They feature the latest research ideas and topics on how to enhance current database systems, improve information storage, refine existing database models, and develop advanced applications. Advanced Topics in

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Advanced Topics in Database Research is a series of books in the fields of database, software engineering, and systems analysis and design. They feature the latest research ideas and topics on how to enhance current database systems, improve information storage, refine existing database models, and develop advanced applications. Advanced Topics in Database Research, Volume 4 is a part of this series.

Advanced Topics in Database Research, Volume 4 is enriched with authors who have submitted their best works for inclusion in this scholarly book. Advanced Topics in Database Research, Volume 4 is a useful reference and a valuable collection for both researchers and practitioners.

Editorial Reviews

Written for researchers and technical professionals, this book emphasizes the theoretical aspects of database systems. Its 19 chapters discuss enhancement of current database models, refinement of contemporary techniques, the integration of database and Internet technology, and applications of unified modeling language. Diagrams, charts, and screen captures illustrate key concepts. Contributors include scholars from North America, Europe, Israel, Korea, and Australia. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

IGI Global
Publication date:
Advanced Topics in Database Research Series
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 10.00(h) x 0.88(d)

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