Advances in Conceptual Modeling: ER'99 Workshops on Evolution and Change in Data Management, Reverse Engineering in Information Systems, and the World Wide Web and Conceptual Modeling Paris, France, November 15-18, 1999 Proceedings / Edition 1

Advances in Conceptual Modeling: ER'99 Workshops on Evolution and Change in Data Management, Reverse Engineering in Information Systems, and the World Wide Web and Conceptual Modeling Paris, France, November 15-18, 1999 Proceedings / Edition 1

by Peter P. Chen

This book constitutes the refereed joint proceedings of three workshops held during the 18th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, ER '99, in Paris, France, in November 1999.
The 30 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of around 70 submissions. The book is divided into sections on evolution in object

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This book constitutes the refereed joint proceedings of three workshops held during the 18th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, ER '99, in Paris, France, in November 1999.
The 30 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of around 70 submissions. The book is divided into sections on evolution in object databases; constraining change; conceptual modeling of change; methodologies for reverse engineering; systems migration; modeling, navigation, and interaction; directions in Web modeling; modeling Web information; and modeling Web applications.

Product Details

Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Publication date:
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, #1727
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
9.21(w) x 6.14(h) x 0.84(d)

Table of Contents

First International Workshop on Evolution and Change in Data Management (ECDM’99).- Handling Evolving Data Through the Use of a Description Driven Systems Architecture.- Evolution of Schema and Individuals of Configurable Products.- Updates and Application Migration Support in an ODMG Temporal Extension.- ODMG Language Extensions for Generalized Schema Versioning Support.- Transposed Storage of an Object Database to Reduce the Cost of Schema Changes.- A Survey of Current Methods for Integrity Constraint Maintenance and View Updating.- Specification and Implementation of Temporal Databases in a Bitemporal Event Calculus.- Schema Versioning for Archives in Database Systems.- Modeling Cyclic Change.- On the Ontological Expressiveness of Temporal Extensions to the Entity-Relationship Model.- Semantic Change Patterns in the Conceptual Schema.- International Workshop on Reverse Engineering in Information Systems (REIS’99).- The BRIDGE: A Toolkit Approach to Reverse Engineering System Metadata in Support of Migration to Enterprise Software.- Data Structure Extraction in Database Reverse Engineering.- Documenting Legacy Relational Databases.- Relational Database Reverse Engineering.- A Tool to Reengineer Legacy Systems to Object-Oriented Systems.- CAPPLES — A Capacity Planning and Performance Analysis Method for the Migration of Legacy Systems.- Reuse of Database Design Decisions.- International Workshop on the World Wide Web and Conceptual Modeling (WWWCM’99).- Modeling Interactive Web Sources for Information Mediation.- Web Application Models Are More than Conceptual Models.- E/R Based Scenario Modeling for Rapid Prototyping of Web Information Services.- Models for Superimposed Information.- Formalizing the Specification of Web Applications.- “Modeling-by-Patterns” of Web Applications.- A Unified Framework for Wrapping, Mediating and Restructuring Information from the Web.- Semantically Accessing Documents Using Conceptual Model Descriptions.- Knowledge Discovery for Automatic Query Expansion on the World Wide Web.- KnowCat: A Web Application for Knowledge Organization.- Meta-modeling for Web-Based Teachware Management.- Data Warehouse Design for E-Commerce Environments.

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