Advances in Database Systems: Implementations and Applications

Advances in Database Systems: Implementations and Applications

by J. Paredaens

Advanced information technology is pervasive in any kind of human activity - science, business, finance, management and others - and this is particularly true for database systems. Both database theory and database applications constitute a very important part of the state of the art of computer science. Meanwhile there is some discrepancy between different aspects … See more details below


Advanced information technology is pervasive in any kind of human activity - science, business, finance, management and others - and this is particularly true for database systems. Both database theory and database applications constitute a very important part of the state of the art of computer science. Meanwhile there is some discrepancy between different aspects of database activity. Theoreticians are sometimes not much aware of the real needs of business and industry; software specialists not always have the time or the apportunity to get acquainted with the most recent theoretical ideas and trends, as well as with advanced prototypes arising from these ideas; potential users often do not have the possibility of evaluating the theoretical foundations and the potential practical impact of different commercial products. So the main goal of the course was to put together people involved in different aspects of database activity and to promote active exchange of ideas among them.

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Product Details

Springer Vienna
Publication date:
CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
5.51(w) x 8.66(h) x (d)

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