Advances in Database Technology - EDBT '94: 4th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Cambridge, United Kingdom, March 28 - 31, 1994. Proceedings

Advances in Database Technology - EDBT '94: 4th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Cambridge, United Kingdom, March 28 - 31, 1994. Proceedings

by Matthias Jarke

The fourth international conference on Extending Data Base
Technology was held in Cambridge, UK, in March 1994. The biannual EDBT has established itself as the premier European database conference. It provides an international forum for the presentation of new extensions to database technology through research, development, and application. This volume contains

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The fourth international conference on Extending Data Base
Technology was held in Cambridge, UK, in March 1994. The biannual EDBT has established itself as the premier European database conference. It provides an international forum for the presentation of new extensions to database technology through research, development, and application. This volume contains the scientific papers of the conference. Following invited papers by C.M. Stone and A. Herbert, it contains 31
papers grouped into sections on object views, intelligent user interface, distributed information servers, transaction management, information systems design and evolution,
semantics of extended data models,accessing new media, join algorithms, query optimization, and multimedia databases.

Product Details

Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Publication date:
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, #779
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
9.21(w) x 6.14(h) x 0.86(d)

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