Advances in Information Retrieval: Recent Research from the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval / Edition 1

Advances in Information Retrieval: Recent Research from the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval / Edition 1

by Bruce Croft, Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval

Advances in Information Retrieval: Recent Research from the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval is a collection of papers that cove rs a wide variety of topics in the general area of information retriev al. Together, they represent a snapshot of the state of the art in inf ormation retrieval at the turn of the century and at the end of a deca de that

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Advances in Information Retrieval: Recent Research from the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval is a collection of papers that cove rs a wide variety of topics in the general area of information retriev al. Together, they represent a snapshot of the state of the art in inf ormation retrieval at the turn of the century and at the end of a deca de that has seen the advent of the World-Wide Web. The papers provide overviews and in-depth analysis of theory and experimental results. Th is book can be used as source material for graduate courses in informa tion retrieval, and as a reference for researchers and practitioners i n industry.

Product Details

Springer US
Publication date:
Information Retrieval Series, #7
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
0.81(w) x 6.14(h) x 9.21(d)

Table of Contents

Preface. Contributing Authors. 1. Combining Approaches to Information Retrieval; W. Bruce Croft. 2. The Use of Exploratory Data Analysis in Information Retrieval Research; W.R. Greiff. 3. Language Models for Relevance Feedback; J.M. Ponte. 4. Topic Detection and Tracking: Event Clustering as a Basis for First Story Detection; R. Papka, J. Allan. 5. Distributed Information Retrieval; J. Callan. 6. Topic-Based Language Models for Distributed Retrieval; J. Xu, B. Croft. 7. The Effect of Collection Organization and Query Locality on Information Retrieval System Performance; Z. Lu, K.S. McKinley. 8. Cross-Language Retrieval via Transitive Translation; L.A. Ballesteros. 9. Building, Testing, and Applying Concept Hierarchies; M. Sanderson, D. Lawrie. 10. Appearance-Based Global Similarity Retrieval of Images; S. Ravela, C. Luo. Index.

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