An Introduction to Database Systems / Edition 7

An Introduction to Database Systems / Edition 7

4.5 2
by C. J. Date

For over 25 years, C. J. Date's An Introduction to Database Systems has been the authoritative resource for readers interested in gaining insight into and understanding of the principles of database systems. This revision continues to provide a solid grounding in the foundations of database technology and to provide some ideas as to how the field is likely to develop… See more details below


For over 25 years, C. J. Date's An Introduction to Database Systems has been the authoritative resource for readers interested in gaining insight into and understanding of the principles of database systems. This revision continues to provide a solid grounding in the foundations of database technology and to provide some ideas as to how the field is likely to develop in the future.. "Readers of this book will gain a strong working knowledge of the overall structure, concepts, and objectives of database systems and will become familiar with the theoretical principles underlying the construction of such systems.

Product Details

Publication date:
Edition description:
Older Edition
Product dimensions:
7.86(w) x 9.52(h) x 1.57(d)

Table of Contents

Preface to the Eighth Edition
Pt. IPreliminaries1
Ch. 1An Overview of Database Management3
Ch. 2Database System Architecture33
Ch. 3An Introduction to Relational Databases59
Ch. 4An Introduction to SQL85
Pt. IIThe Relational Model109
Ch. 5Types111
Ch. 6Relations141
Ch. 7Relational Algebra173
Ch. 8Relational Calculus213
Ch. 9Integrity253
Ch. 10Views295
Pt. IIIDatabase Design329
Ch. 11Functional Dependencies333
Ch. 12Further Normalization I: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF349
Ch. 13Further Normalization II: Higher Normal Forms381
Ch. 14Semantic Modeling409
Pt. IVTransaction Management443
Ch. 15Recovery445
Ch. 16Concurrency465
Pt. VFurther Topics501
Ch. 17Security503
Ch. 18Optimization531
Ch. 19Missing Information575
Ch. 20Type Inheritance605
Ch. 21Distributed Databases647
Ch. 22Decision Support689
Ch. 23Temporal Databases727
Ch. 24Logic-Based Databases775
Pt. VIObjects, Relations, and XML811
Ch. 25Object Databases813
Ch. 26Object/Relational Databases859
Ch. 27The World Wide Web and XML895
App. AThe TransRelational Model941
App. BSQL Expressions967
App. C: Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols977
App. DStorage Structures and Access Methods

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