The Art and Science of Oracle Performance Tuning

The Art and Science of Oracle Performance Tuning

5.0 2
by Christopher Lawson

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* Presents an innovative, philosophical approach to Oracle database administration, and shows how to think about the whole complex problem of performance tuning, how to break it down, how to root out the cause of performance bottlenecks.

*Covers all practical aspects of Oracle performance tuning.

* Filled with hands-on lessons and accounts.

* Teaches

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* Presents an innovative, philosophical approach to Oracle database administration, and shows how to think about the whole complex problem of performance tuning, how to break it down, how to root out the cause of performance bottlenecks.

*Covers all practical aspects of Oracle performance tuning.

* Filled with hands-on lessons and accounts.

* Teaches an innovative and effective "Physician to Magician" approach, showing how to understand the problem, uncover the root cause, and choose and implement the most effective solution.

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7.50(w) x 9.00(h) x 6.00(d)

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