ASP, ADO, and XML Complete

ASP, ADO, and XML Complete

by Dave Evans, Greg Jarboe, Hollis Thomases, Mari Smith, Chris Treadaway

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ASP, ADO, and XML Complete is a one-of-a-kind computer book—valuableboth for its extensive content and its low price. This book contains a wealth ofvital information for any developer in need of a complete reference to the mostessential technologies used for Web programming on the Windows platform.

ASP, ADO, and XML Complete not only covers the

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ASP, ADO, and XML Complete is a one-of-a-kind computer book—valuableboth for its extensive content and its low price. This book contains a wealth ofvital information for any developer in need of a complete reference to the mostessential technologies used for Web programming on the Windows platform.

ASP, ADO, and XML Complete not only covers the fundamentals ofscripting and ASP but it also highlights database development with ADO and SQLServer, client-side scripting, building your own components, using XML with ASP,implementing e-commerce with Microsoft BizTalk server, and building your ownonline store.

ASP, ADO, and XML Complete introduces you to thework of some of Sybex's finest authors, so you'll know where to turn when you want to learn even more about key Web development topics.

Product Details

Publication date:
Sybex Complete Series
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Product dimensions:
5.94(w) x 8.29(h) x 2.22(d)

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