ASP and ADO with Activeperl with CD-ROM

ASP and ADO with Activeperl with CD-ROM

5.0 1
by Tobias Martinsson

This book/CD package gets you up to speed on all of ActivePerl's features in no time. Tobias Martinsson introduces the tools included in ActivePerl and walks you through installation and configuration, then gives you an overview of the syntax, variables, functions, control structures, and regular expressions of Perl and PerlScript. Chapters on ASP and ADO demystify… See more details below


This book/CD package gets you up to speed on all of ActivePerl's features in no time. Tobias Martinsson introduces the tools included in ActivePerl and walks you through installation and configuration, then gives you an overview of the syntax, variables, functions, control structures, and regular expressions of Perl and PerlScript. Chapters on ASP and ADO demystify the jargon, components, and concepts behind the technologies, and then focus on the objects and functionalities they can add to your programs. Extensive code examples teach you how and where to use the objects, events that trigger them, and how to program with optimal performance in mind. And as a valuable reference, the author provides detailed tables on each object and its associated task options throughout the book to help you harness the full power of ASP and ADO.

Editorial Reviews

From the Publisher
"I can say that I learnt a lot about all three subjects from it" (CVu, April 2002)
Written for Windows developers, this guide walks through ActivePerl installation and configuration, then overviews the syntax, variables, functions, control structures, and regular expressions of Perl and PerlScript. Chapters on ASP and ADO demystify the jargon, components, and concepts behind the technologies, then focus on the objects and functionalities. The CD-ROM contains ActivePerl Build 522 and scripts. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

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Product dimensions:
7.54(w) x 9.21(h) x 0.73(d)

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