Beginning Apache Cassandra Development

Beginning Apache Cassandra Development

by Vivek Mishra

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Beginning Apache Cassandra Development introduces you to one of the most robust and best-performing NoSQL database platforms on the planet. Apache Cassandra is a document database following the JSON document model. It is specifically designed to manage large amounts of data across many commodity servers without there being any single point of failure. This

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Beginning Apache Cassandra Development introduces you to one of the most robust and best-performing NoSQL database platforms on the planet. Apache Cassandra is a document database following the JSON document model. It is specifically designed to manage large amounts of data across many commodity servers without there being any single point of failure. This design approach makes Apache Cassandra a robust and easy-to-implement platform when high availability is needed.

Apache Cassandra can be used by developers in Java, PHP, Python, and JavaScript—the primary and most commonly used languages. In Beginning Apache Cassandra Development, author and Cassandra expert Vivek Mishra takes you through using Apache Cassandra from each of these primary languages. Mishra also covers the Cassandra Query Language (CQL), the Apache Cassandra analog to SQL. You'll learn to develop applications sourcing data from Cassandra, query that data, and deliver it at speed to your application's users.

Cassandra is one of the leading NoSQL databases, meaning you get unparalleled throughput and performance without the sort of processing overhead that comes with traditional proprietary databases. Beginning Apache Cassandra Development will therefore help you create applications that generate search results quickly, stand up to high levels of demand, scale as your user base grows, ensure operational simplicity, and—not least—provide delightful user experiences.

What you’ll learn

  • Configure Apache Cassandra clusters
  • Model your data for high throughput
  • Implement MapReduce algorithms
  • Run Hive and Pig queries over Cassandra
  • Query with the Cassandra Query Language
  • Build graph-based solutions with Cassandra Titan
  • Back up your data and restore when needed
  • Encrypt and secure your data
Who this book is for

Beginning Apache Cassandra Development is aimed at developers wanting a high-performing and highly-available database from which to serve large amounts of data at speed to application users. The book is especially suited toward developers working in Java, PHP, Python, and JavaScript who are interested in a NoSQL solution.

Table of Contents

1. Cassandra Basics

2. Cassandra Data Modeling

3. Understanding Composite Columns and Indexes

4. Cassandra Data Security

5. MapReduce with Cassandra

6. Data Import/Export and Analytics

7. Cassandra with Graph Data Structure

8. Performance Tuning

9. Monitoring and Administration

10. Cassandra Utilities

11. Troubleshooting

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Product Details

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7.50(w) x 9.25(h) x 0.52(d)

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