Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration

Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration

by Chris Leiter, Dan Wood, Michael Cierkowski, Albert Boettger

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This book teaches both novice and experienced database administrators how to leverage all of the features of SQL Server to deliver solid, reliable performance. All features and techniques are illustrated with real-world examples and step-by-step instructions.

After a quick overview of SQL Server management tools and database components, you'll walk through

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This book teaches both novice and experienced database administrators how to leverage all of the features of SQL Server to deliver solid, reliable performance. All features and techniques are illustrated with real-world examples and step-by-step instructions.

After a quick overview of SQL Server management tools and database components, you'll walk through system installation and configuration, configuring and managing network communications, and automating administration tasks. You'll gain insight into business continuity strategies, performance monitoring, and optimization. The authors also cover the complete suite of Business Intelligence tools, including SQL Server Integration Services, Reporting Services, Analysis Services, and Service Broker.

With this book, you'll develop the skills required to successfully administer a SQL Server 2008 database, regardless of your experience level.

What you will learn from this book

  • How to install, maintain, and manage a SQL Server 2008 implementation, and automate administrative tasks
  • How to monitor performance using various tools and techniques
  • Strategies for optimizing your database
  • Ways to ensure high availability
  • How to begin using SQL Server as a BI platform
  • How to configure and use BI components, including SQL Server Reporting Services
  • How the Service Broker is used

Who this book is for

This book is for beginning to intermediate SQL Server database administrators who want to learn about managing a SQL Server environment.

Wrox Beginning guides are crafted to make learning programming languages and technologies easier than you think, providing a structured, tutorial format that will guide you through all the techniques involved.

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Product Details

Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.30(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.90(d)

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