Beginning Oracle Programming / Edition 1

Beginning Oracle Programming / Edition 1

by Sean Dillon, Howard Rogers, Joel Kallman, Thomas Kyte

This book teaches you all of the core concepts behind using the database, provides you the tools and techniques you need to master, and gives you practical working examples of Oracle programming in action. This book is aimed at would-be Oracle developers and administrators alike. No matter what your background, this book can guide you, using a straightforward and

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This book teaches you all of the core concepts behind using the database, provides you the tools and techniques you need to master, and gives you practical working examples of Oracle programming in action. This book is aimed at would-be Oracle developers and administrators alike. No matter what your background, this book can guide you, using a straightforward and practical approach to the technology. By the time youve completed it, youll have all the knowledge you need to use Oracle databases with confidence.

As the world's leading relational database, Oracle provides a rich environment to store, handle, and extract data. When used properly, it is the fastest and most scalable database for building enterprise applications. However, with power comes complexity, and mastering the Oracle database is not an overnight job. It takes time, practice, and real world experience. The authors of this book provide you with the tools to gain that experience. They understand the challenges that need to be met when developing applications, and they guarantee that the techniques taught in this book will lead you through many successful implementations.

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Product Details

Wrox Press, Inc.
Publication date:
Beginning Ser.
Product dimensions:
7.24(w) x 8.94(h) x 1.96(d)

Table of Contents

Ch. 1Getting To Know Oracle11
Ch. 2SQL Plus and Basic Querying23
Ch. 3Creating and Managing Users and Tables81
Ch. 4The New 9/ Sample Schemas125
Ch. 5Architecture153
Ch. 6Processing Statements in Oracle189
Ch. 7Tables211
Ch. 8Indexes253
Ch. 9Mastering SQL*Plus309
Ch. 10Pl/Sql345
Ch. 11Procedures, Functions, and Packages411
Ch. 12Transactions and Concurrency465
Ch. 13Security499
Ch. 14Views543
Ch. 15Triggers579
Ch. 16Objects619
Ch. 17Advanced Querying661
Ch. 18Tuning Tools707
Ch. 19A SQL Toolkit741
Case Study 1Debugging PL/SQL787
Case Study 2Finding People823
App. ASQL Function Reference855
App. BSupplied Packages901
App. CData Dictionary971
App. DInstalling Sample Schemas1025
App. EOptions and Features1041

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