Beginning SQL Server 2008 Administration

Beginning SQL Server 2008 Administration

by Robert Walters, Grant Fritchey, Carmen Taglienti

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Beginning SQL Server 2008 Administration is essential for anyone wishing to learn about implementing and managing SQL Server 2008 database. From college students, to experienced database administrators from other platforms, to those already familiar with SQL Server and wanting to fill in some gaps of knowledge, this book will bring all readers up to speed

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Beginning SQL Server 2008 Administration is essential for anyone wishing to learn about implementing and managing SQL Server 2008 database. From college students, to experienced database administrators from other platforms, to those already familiar with SQL Server and wanting to fill in some gaps of knowledge, this book will bring all readers up to speed on the enterprise platform Microsoft SQL Server 2008.

  • Clearly describes relational database concepts
  • Explains the SQL Server database engine and supporting tools
  • Shows various database maintenance scenarios

What you’ll learn

  • To understand core concepts of relational databases
  • How to install SQL Server in your environment
  • How to use the tools that come with SQL Server to perform daily administrative tasks
  • How to design and implement a database maintenance plan in SQL Server
  • Configuring database security and protect your sensitive data from intruders
  • How to meet regulatory and government compliance requirements like Sarbanes-Oxley and the Payment Card Industry (PCI) regulations

Who this book is for

This book is primarily for those who are aspiring to become SQL Server 2008 database administrators. Reading this book gives you a great foundation of knowledge upon which to build a future career in database administration. You might be new to SQL Server 2008, or you might have experience with competing products such as Oracle. Either way, this book gets you up to speed quickly in managing SQL Server 2008, helping you transfer your existing knowledge into the SQL Server 2008 environment.

Table of Contents

  1. The Database Administration Profession
  2. Planning and Installing SQL Server 2008
  3. What’s in the Toolbox?
  4. Creating Tables and Other Objects
  5. Transact-SQL
  6. SQL Server Internals
  7. Storage Management Strategies
  8. Database Backup Strategies
  9. Database Restore Strategies
  10. Common Database Maintenance Tasks
  11. Automation Through SQLCMD and PowerShell
  12. Database Maintenance Plans
  13. Performance Tuning and Optimization
  14. SQL Server Security
  15. Auditing, Encryption, and Compliance
  16. SQL Server in the Enterprise
  17. Where to Go Next?

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Product Details

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7.50(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.00(d)

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