Beginning VB 2005 Databases: From Novice to Professional

Beginning VB 2005 Databases: From Novice to Professional

by Jacob Hammer Pedersen, Ranga Raghuram, Jon Reid, James Huddleston

Beginning Visual Basic 2005 Databases teaches you everything you need to know about relational databases, SQL, and ADO.NET 2.0, giving you a sound start in developing console and Windows database applications. The book also includes chapters on the new SQL Server XML data type and the forthcoming LINQ enhancements to the next version of Visual Basic.


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Beginning Visual Basic 2005 Databases teaches you everything you need to know about relational databases, SQL, and ADO.NET 2.0, giving you a sound start in developing console and Windows database applications. The book also includes chapters on the new SQL Server XML data type and the forthcoming LINQ enhancements to the next version of Visual Basic.

In addition to teaching you database basics like using SQL to communicate with databases, this book provides you with detailed, code-practical techniques to access data in VB 2005 across a range of coding situations. Code-heavy and full of practical detail, this book has been fully revised and upgraded for .NET 2.0 and offers you the best contemporary practice in this core programming area, so that youll find yourself using it in nearly all your .NET projects.

Product Details

Publication date:
Beginning: from Novice to Professional Series
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.25(h) x 9.25(d)

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