Beginning Visual Basic 6 Database Programming / Edition 1

Beginning Visual Basic 6 Database Programming / Edition 1

by John Connell

Beginning Visual Basic 6 Database Programming introduces you to databases and takes you all the way through to the latest ADO technologies in Visual Basic 6. Step by step, this book will help you to build working database components and applications in Visual Basic. Whether you want to work with databases on your desktop, get access to legacy data, or

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Beginning Visual Basic 6 Database Programming introduces you to databases and takes you all the way through to the latest ADO technologies in Visual Basic 6. Step by step, this book will help you to build working database components and applications in Visual Basic. Whether you want to work with databases on your desktop, get access to legacy data, or program database access across the Internet, this is the book that will get you started.

This book provides you with all the practical knowledge and skills you need to build a solid foundation in Microsoft Access and Visual Basic database programming. This comprehensive reference offers thorough coverage of object-oriented programming, including how to create data handling classes and ActiveX controls for code reusability; how to effectively use DAO, ADO, ASP, and SQL; and how to take data mining to the next level.

Product Details

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Product dimensions:
7.50(w) x 9.25(h) x 1.81(d)

Table of Contents

What this Book is About1
Ch. 1What is a Database?9
Ch. 2Meet the ActiveX Data Object (ADO) Data Wizard39
Ch. 3Programming the Data Control83
Ch. 4Designing a User Interface for the Data Control127
Ch. 5Programming a Bulletproof User Interface167
Ch. 6Completing the User Interface217
Ch. 7Building a Data Control Class Module271
Ch. 8Getting the Data Want from the Database343
Ch. 9Database Design, Construction and Analysis387
Ch. 10Programming the Address Book441
Ch. 11Universal Data Access Using ADO513
Ch. 12Creating ADO Data Bound ActiveX Controls577
Ch. 13ADO and Active Server Pages653
Ch. 14Advanced ADO Programming - Data Mining713
Ch. 15Marking our Data Available University765
Ch. 16Where Next?819
App. AOne Standard, Many Flovors ...825
App. B: Solutions829
App. CSummary of Microsoft Access Field Types847

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