The Berkeley DB Book / Edition 1

The Berkeley DB Book / Edition 1

by Himanshu Yadava

The Berkeley DB Book is a practical guide to the intricacies of the Berkeley DB. This book covers in-depth the complex design issues that are mostly only touched on in terse footnotes within the dense Berkeley DB reference manual. It explains the technology at a higher level and also covers the internals, providing generous code and design examples.


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The Berkeley DB Book is a practical guide to the intricacies of the Berkeley DB. This book covers in-depth the complex design issues that are mostly only touched on in terse footnotes within the dense Berkeley DB reference manual. It explains the technology at a higher level and also covers the internals, providing generous code and design examples.

In this book, you will get to see a developer's perspective on intriguing design issues in Berkeley DB-based applications, and you will be able to choose design options for specific conditions. Also included is a special look at fault tolerance and high-availability frameworks. Berkeley DB is becoming the database of choice for large-scale applications like search engines and high-traffic web sites.

Product Details

Publication date:
Books for Professionals by Professionals Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.25(h) x 1.00(d)

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