Beyond Big Data: Using Social MDM to Drive Deep Customer Insight

Beyond Big Data: Using Social MDM to Drive Deep Customer Insight

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by Martin Oberhofer, Eberhard Hechler, Ivan Milman, Scott Schumacher

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Drive Powerful Business Value by Extending MDM to Social, Mobile, Local, and Transactional Data

Enterprises have long relied on Master Data Management (MDM) to improve customer-related processes. But MDM was designed primarily for structured data. Today, crucial information is increasingly captured in unstructured, transactional, and social

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Drive Powerful Business Value by Extending MDM to Social, Mobile, Local, and Transactional Data

Enterprises have long relied on Master Data Management (MDM) to improve customer-related processes. But MDM was designed primarily for structured data. Today, crucial information is increasingly captured in unstructured, transactional, and social formats: from tweets and Facebook posts to call center transcripts. Even with tools like Hadoop, extracting usable insight is difficult—often, because it’s so difficult to integrate new and legacy data sources.

In Beyond Big Data, five of IBM’s leading data management experts introduce powerful new ways to integrate social, mobile, location, and traditional data. Drawing on pioneering experience with IBM’s enterprise customers, they show how Social MDM can help you deepen relationships, improve prospect targeting, and fully engage customers through mobile channels.

Business leaders and practitioners will discover powerful new ways to combine social and master data to improve performance and uncover new opportunities. Architects and other technical leaders will find a complete reference architecture, in-depth coverage of relevant technologies and use cases, and domain-specific best practices for their own projects.

Coverage Includes

  • How Social MDM extends fundamental MDM concepts and techniques
  • Architecting Social MDM: components, functions, layers, and interactions
  • Identifying high value relationships: person to product and person to organization
  • Mapping Social MDM architecture to specific products and technologies
  • Using Social MDM to create more compelling customer experiences
  • Accelerating your transition to highly-targeted, contextual marketing
  • Incorporating mobile data to improve employee productivity
  • Avoiding privacy and ethical pitfalls throughout your ecosystem
  • Previewing Semantic MDM and other emerging trends

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Product Details

IBM Press
Publication date:
IBM Press Series
Edition description:
New Edition
Sales rank:
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.80(d)

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