Build Your Own Database / Edition 1

Build Your Own Database / Edition 1

by Peter Jacso, F. Wilfrid Lancaster

In Build Your Own Database, authors Peter Jacso and F. W. Lancaster show you how to create quality in databases with advice in such areas as: designing content with consideration of domain of coverage, accessibility, currency, critical mass, and other criteria; constructing databases with retrievability of useful information in mind; comparing the types of database… See more details below


In Build Your Own Database, authors Peter Jacso and F. W. Lancaster show you how to create quality in databases with advice in such areas as: designing content with consideration of domain of coverage, accessibility, currency, critical mass, and other criteria; constructing databases with retrievability of useful information in mind; comparing the types of database software with specific examples of those that are commonly used in libraries and selecting the best tool for your needs; developing strategies for indexing your data; and learning how software features affect the structure of your data, the handling of multiple record types, template design for easy updates, and other database capabilities.

Product Details

American Library Association
Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
7.06(w) x 10.03(h) x 0.41(d)

Table of Contents

Pt. IContent and Organization of the Database1
1What Is a Database?3
2Database Content7
3Quality and Usability Factors14
Pt. IISoftware Issues39
4Types of Database Software41
5Record and Database Structuring and Data Entry57
6Index Creation89
7Index Browsing100
10Display, Print, and Download Functions136
11Interface Considerations148
App. AURLs for Software Products153
App. BImport and Export Formats of Bibliographic Records155

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