Building A Data Warehouse for Decision Support / Edition 2

Building A Data Warehouse for Decision Support / Edition 2

by Vidette Poe, Stephen Brobst, Patricia Klauer, Patricia Klauer

In Building a Data Warehouse for Decision Support, Second Edition, a team of the world's leading experts presents a start-to-finish, state-of-the-art guide to designing and implementing data warehouses. You'll find up-to-the-minute solutions-oriented recommendations for the entire data warehouse development lifecycle, including best practices for requirements… See more details below


In Building a Data Warehouse for Decision Support, Second Edition, a team of the world's leading experts presents a start-to-finish, state-of-the-art guide to designing and implementing data warehouses. You'll find up-to-the-minute solutions-oriented recommendations for the entire data warehouse development lifecycle, including best practices for requirements gathering and identifying business objectives; critical success factors - why and how they affect the success of your project; planning, scoping, and managing your data warehouse project; and managing metadata for a production data warehouse.

Product Details

Prentice Hall
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.26(w) x 9.59(h) x 1.11(d)

Table of Contents

Preface to the First Edition
About the Authors
Other Contributors to This Book
Ch. 1Let's Start with the Basics1
Ch. 2Understanding Terms and Technology15
Ch. 3Understanding Architecture and Infrastructures29
Ch. 4Critical Success Factors51
Ch. 5The Decision Support Life Cycle89
Ch. 6Getting Started with Data Warehouse Development109
Ch. 7Gathering Data Requirements133
Ch. 8Data Integration151
Ch. 9Designing the Database for a Data Warehouse189
Ch. 10Successful Data Access217
Ch. 11Training, Support, and Rollout245
Ch. 12Metadata253
AppConsulting Companies Assisting in the Development of this Book273

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